Monday, December 7, 2015

Ornament Sort and Match

Can we say Christmas!!  Ah yes.  It's such a fun time of the year and the children are most likely so excited, but going stir crazy in the house due to colder weather.  Fortunately, we've been blessed with decent weather and my kiddos have gotten outside for at least a few minutes a day, but somehow they are still getting into everything with all the decorations sitting around.  This year, I purchased an extra set of ornaments for them to play with thinking they'd leave mine alone.  While they were excited to see and play with them, they still mess with my ornaments, but not nearly as much as they probably would.

All you really need is shatterproof ornaments of different colors.  I chose three colors, but you can choose as many as you wish.  Mine are also shiny and matte which was a plus!

First, we started with the box of ornaments and we talked about the color, the shape, and the textures.  After that, I let them go to work.  They started placing them in piles according to their colors.

Once there were multiple ornaments in each pile, they started placing them into rows.

I took the opportunity to discuss what "rows" are and we then proceeded to count how many were in each row.

Finally, we sorted them according to their textures.  They really enjoyed looking at their reflections in the shiny ornaments.  They prefer the shiny ornaments to the matte. :-)

This is a quick and simple activity for your kiddos that can keep them busy and hopefully distracted from the Christmas bustle!

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